SIG SIDAR Conference on
Detection of Intrusions and Malware &
Vulnerability Assessment

DIMVA 2006

July 13-14, 2006
Berlin, Germany

DIMVA2005 Conference of SIG SIDAR
of the German Society of Informatics (GI).

In Cooperation with IEEE Task Force on Information Assurance.

Supported by ENISA.

Submission GuidelinesCall for Papers: Text or PDF
Information Travel and HotelConference Program: HTML or PDF Online Registration
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DIMVA in Press

Organizing Committee

General Chair:Pavel Laskov (Fraunhofer-FIRST, Germany, laskov{at}
Program Chair:Roland Bueschkes (RWE AG, Germany, roland.bueschkes{at}
Sponsoring Chair:Marc Heuse (n.runs, Germany, marc.heuse{at}
Publicity Chair:Ulrich Flegel (University of Dortmund, Germany, ulrich.flegel{at}

Program Committee

Phil Attfield, Northwest Security Institute, USA
Thomas Biege, SUSE LINUX AG, Germany
Marc Dacier, Institut Eurécom, France
Herve Debar, France Telecom R&D, France
Luca Deri,, Italy
Sven Dietrich, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Toralv Dirro, McAfee, Germany
Ulrich Flegel, University of Dortmund, Germany
Dirk Häger, BSI, Germany
Bernhard Hämmerli, HTA Luzern, Switzerland
Oliver Heinz, arago AG, Germany
Peter Herrmann, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
Marc Heuse, n.runs, Germany
Erland Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Klaus Julisch, IBM Research, USA
Engin Kirda, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Hartmut König, BTU Cottbus, Germany
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski, DFN-Cert, Germany
Christopher Kruegel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jens Meggers, Symantec, USA
Michael Meier, BTU Cottbus, Germany
Achim Mueller, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
Martin Naedele, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Dirk Schadt, Computer Associates, Germany
Window Snyder, Chordata Security, USA
Robin Sommer, ICIR/ICSI, USA
Axel Tanner, IBM Research, Switzerland
Marco Thorbruegge, ENISA, Greece
Stephen Wolthusen, Gjovik University College, Norway

Steering Committee

Ulrich Flegel (University of Dortmund, Germany)
Michael Meier (BTU Cottbus, Germany)
Roland Büschkes (RWE AG, Germany)
Marc Heuse (n.runs, Germany)
Klaus Julisch (IBM Research, USA)
Christopher Kruegel (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)


Imprint /Impressum